Ayurveda is a form of medicine that makes a balance between your body and mind. According to Ayurveda, air, water, space, fire, and earth are the five elements that make up the universe. Ayurvedic lifestyle was the way of life in the past, during the '80s and '90s. The people during those times followed the ayurvedic diet to keep their bodies and mind strong. The diet is based on the principles of ayurvedic medicines. Ayurvedic diet is said to improve health both in adults and children. It provides strict personalized recommendations regarding which food to eat and avoid depending upon one's bodily conditions. So read along to know the do’s and don'ts of immunity-boosting for children as per Ayurveda.
Why Are Children Likely to Have a Weaker Immunity System These Days?
You might notice that children during the earlier period were much stronger. They had a good immune system that prevented them from weather changes and various diseases. The times are different today. Children are more prone to disease than adults due to their lifestyle and dietary choices. There is a constant change in climate, food, eating habits, and lifestyle. All these factors affect the children in the same way. The effect of these changes is determined by how strong the immune system of a child is. The immunity of the child can be boosted with a healthy diet. The kids are becoming more and more vulnerable to diseases because of poor immunity. The elders must protect them from various infections and diseases by boosting their immunity.
With the help of Ayurveda, it is easier to set them on a path to stay healthy forever. Strong immunity-boosting for children should be provided in the early stages itself as humans are more delicate during childhood. Boosting the immunity in early life itself provides a self-defence mechanism in the body. The immune system of children is the warrior that battles against diseases and infections.
The Do's and Don'ts of Immunity-Boosting
Ayurvedic lifestyle ensures that the children remain healthy in the beginning years. It concentrates on strengthening all the main facets of child health including immunity, nutrition, digestion, and metabolism. It is important to know about the do's and don'ts of the ayurvedic lifestyle to enhance immunity in children.
Here are a few do’s and don’ts that you can pursue to assure strong immunity in your child:
There are many lifestyles and diet-related preferences that you can use to have better health.
1. Breastfeeding to be done at least up to the age of 1
The composition of mothers' milk changes with each day. According to Ayurveda, a mother ought to breastfeed her child up to the age of one. It delivers growth hormones that the child needs for their growth. It helps the child to fight against various diseases as it has many antibodies in it.
2. A good sleep
Sleep is essential for the development of the body. Infants should have at least 18 hours of sleep. Children below the age of 6 years should sleep for 10 hours. It promotes the appropriate growth of the children. Disturbed sleep makes the child more prone to infections.
3. Oil Massage
Ayurveda recommends extra virgin oils that are free from adulteration. Regular massage enables bone structure and tissue health. It helps in boosting the immunity of the child. It protects them from infections and viruses. Oil massage relaxes the child’s nervous system and facilitates healthy blood circulation.
4. Maintain the child's digestive system
A healthy gut means a healthy lifestyle. Ayurveda says that if children fall sick often, it can mean that there is something bad with their stomach. This can occur when impurities and poisons build up in the digestive tract. This causes weak immunity, poor digestion, lack of appetite, slow growth, etc. It is therefore important to ensure that they eat home-cooked meals and stay away from processed foods.
Not having an adequate understanding of the Ayurvedic lifestyle makes the adults unknowingly opt for the bad habits for their child.
1. Use of antibiotics
Frequent use of antibiotics can affect a child's health adversely. They do more damage in the long run. They decrease the susceptibility to infections. The overuse can also lead to drug resistance and weaken your child’s immune system.
2. Consumption of junk foods
Ayurveda does not encourage the introduction of junk foods and preservative-rich foods. It reduces the defence mechanism in the body. Consumption of junk food eventually misses out on all important nutrients that aid in child growth and immunity.
3. Sedentary lifestyle
The present generation spent only half of their time playing outdoors. Parents live a hectic life and they keep their children in front of the screens. The initial learning process is based on experiences according to Ayurveda. When you constrain the learning of the child, then the inactive lifestyle can impact the health of the child.
Dr Jasna's Ayurvedic Clinic brings preventative and therapeutic lifelong health solutions to the patients. It is vital to adopt an ayurvedic lifestyle for boosting the immunity of the children.