Fatty Liver Disease: Ayurvedic Remedies

Posted on November 01, 2022
Fatty Liver Disease: Ayurvedic Remedies

As the organ in charge of filtration, metabolism, detoxification, and other essential bodily processes, the liver is regarded as the most significant one in the body. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which affects more people today, is linked to obesity, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, PCOS, and metabolic syndrome.

The largest gland and heaviest organ in the body is the liver. It gets roughly 30% of the heart's resting cardiac output and is a highly vascular organ. The liver is the primary organ for the metabolism of almost all dietary components. The liver is the most typical place for fat buildup since it plays such a significant role in fat metabolism. Fatty alteration can be moderate and reversible or severe, leading to irreversible cell damage and cell death, depending on the origin and degree of the buildup. Disruptions in the liver's lipid metabolism brought on by a number of etiological causes are the root cause of fatty liver. Dr. Jasna's Ayurvedic Clinic is here to care for you and your family's health, contact us for more details.

What Exactly Is Fatty Liver?

Triglycerides, a type of fat, abnormally accumulate inside liver cells, resulting in fatty liver. Large amounts of fat build up in the liver cells, a condition known as fatty liver, is reversible. This is because of the steatosis process. When the liver's fat level surpasses 5% of its total weight or 30% of its cells, fatty liver is the result.

Fatty liver disease comes in two different primary kinds.

  • Alcoholic liver disease

Alcoholic fatty liver, which results from binge drinking, is the buildup of fat in the liver.

  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is the term used to describe fatty liver caused by anything other than heavy alcohol usage (NAFLD). People who have at least one of the following elements of the metabolic syndrome are more likely to have NAFLD:

  1. Obesity or having too much body fat

  2. High levels of blood fat (triglyceride and cholesterol)

  3. Insulin resistance

  4. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, the name for the liver inflammation caused by NAFLD

Consequence of Fatty Liver Disease 

Most patients with fatty liver disease do not have serious issues. If it develops into liver cirrhosis, though, it could become a more significant issue. Cirrhosis of the liver that is left untreated eventually develops into liver cancer or liver failure.

The issue arises when fatty liver is present together with obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, PCOS, or hormonal imbalance! When combined, they can result in metabolic syndrome.

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Fat Liver Treatment

The purpose of fatty liver treatment is to lessen or get rid of the cause. For instance, people should cease drinking alcohol, eating fatty foods, and using any prescription drugs that may result in fatty liver. Reduce triglyceride levels, manage diabetes, and other goals like these. Inflammation and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis can be reduced with a 5% drop in body weight, whereas scarring and fibrosis can be reversed with a 7% reduction.

Ayurveda Treatment for Fatty Liver

The safe and effective medicine of Ayurveda has considerable promise for the treatment of fatty liver. In Bahu Doshavastha and Srotorodha, liver diseases are advised for Virechana, the best Detox-Shodhana Karma. Hepatoprotective herbs are also efficient and secure in treating any type of liver disease.

Treatment for the fatty liver should focus on Yakritshothahara Chikitsa and Prasadana of Rasa and Rakta when it reaches the next stage and Dhatus becomes involved. The significance of Gomutra Haritaki Prayoga and Guda Ardraka Yoga Ayurvedic texts discuss fatty liver disease.

This can be accomplished by using a variety of Ayurvedic formulations for fatty liver, such as Pippali Churna, Patoladi Churna, Mahasudarshan Churna, Rohitaka Churna, Agnitundi Vati, Arogyavardhini Vati, Patolakaturohinyadi Kashaya, Rohitakarishta, Pippalyas

Foods that Must Be Consumed If You Have Fatty Liver

Ayurveda recommends a few foods that are crucial for patients with fatty livers to include in their diet. For situations of fatty liver, astringent, bitter, and easily digestible vegetables are best.

  • Kulattha (Horsegram)

  • Mudga( green Gram )

  • Yava (Barley)

  • Takra ( ButterMilk )

  • Rasona(Garlic)

  • Ardraka( Ginger) ( Ginger)

  • Igru phal ( Drum stick)

  • Laghu tikta Deepana (Bitter gourd, Methi leaves, curry leaves etc)

Foods to Avoid if You Have a Fatty Liver

  • The person's diet should be free of refined carbs such white rice, white bread, noodles, and spaghetti.

  • It is necessary to remove the excess greasy fats from processed junk meals.

  • Cereals for breakfast should be avoided as they are likewise heavily processed. Similarly, the patient must stop eating baked products like cakes, cookies, scones, puff pastry, etc. because they need extra fat to bake.

  • Deep-fried sweet and savory foods should also be avoided. Avoid eating meat, especially red meats like lamb, hog, and beef, as well as meat-based items that include animal fats.

  • Cheese, butter, margarine, mayonnaise, ice cream, and fruit yogurt are other dairy-rich foods that should be avoided.

The Best Foods for a Healthy Liver

  • Make sure to include whole grains like brown rice, whole wheat, rye, and oats in the person's normal diet. A person with fatty liver disease will benefit from eating fiber-rich organic fruits and vegetables.

  • If eating meat is unavoidable, the person must transition to chicken and lean meats. The patient may also eat seafood that is high in essential fatty acids, such as prawns, salmon, sardines, tuna, etc.

  • For everyday cooking, the patient is advised to use oils that contain omega-3 fatty acids. Olive oil that has been cold-pressed is the best option.

Visit Dr Jasna's Ayurvedic Clinic to uncover the actual essence and depth of wellness and healing offered by Ayurveda. We consider your physical, mental, and emotional well-being in order to comprehend your liver, which determines your body type and current imbalance. We provide Ayurvedic care for your health. We provide a wide variety of therapies, all administered by competent and experienced specialists. For additional information, call us at +971 55 400 9339; we are always here to help. Contact us at info@drjasnasayurveda.com if you have any questions regarding our therapies; we genuinely care about your health.