Monsoon season is around the corner and along with it comes the increased risk of many diseases including but not limited to Pneumonia, Cholera, diarrhoea, and typhoid. One can never be too careful when it comes to these diseases. Many of these are caused by our negligence like failing to dispose of waterlogged items in and around the house which eventually leads to disease-spreading insects. Besides germs tend to live longer in the air as opposed to the hot climate in the summer. People with low immunity are more prone to these illnesses.
Ayurveda is an ancient branch of medicine that originated in India and mostly depends on natural substances like herbs for medicinal purposes. The uniqueness of Ayurveda lies in its inert ability to identify the root cause and treat the disease rather than the symptoms. As per Ayurveda, the main cause of diseases is the imbalance in the Doshas in the body. The Kapha and Pitta doshas are mainly affected during the monsoon season. Just like how the earth rejuvenates every autumn by shedding old leaves, the rainy season is usually preferred to do a full-body cleansing as per Ayurveda.
Panchakarma is an intense 5 step detoxifying method to cleanse the body of accumulated impurities over the ages. The stages are Vamana(induced vomiting), Virechana(induced bowel movement), Basti(Medicated Enema), Nasya(cleansing through the nose) & Rakthamokshana(blood purification).
Apart from Panchakarma, Ayurveda suggests the following therapies as well during the monsoon season:
Abhyanga: Sesame Oil and herbs are mixed together and this mixture is used in the ayurvedic massage to help relieve muscle pain, poor circulation, and digestive problems.
Shirodhara: Warm milk, oil, or medicated buttermilk is poured on the forehead to reduce headaches, stress and erratic sleep. It also helps memory loss problems.
Pizhichil: It refers to the process of bathing in oil after the massage to keep your skin away from dryness, reduce fatigue and fight neurological disorders.
Swedanam: Sweating out impurities by subjecting to steam with medicated herbs.
A pre-purification procedure (poorva karma) has to precede any purification procedure and followed by post purification procedures (paschat karma). So, after assessing the condition of the individual and before performing an enema the person has to undergo internal function and sudation. Attempts for augmenting it should be executed since the bio-fire is weak in the rainy season. Light food intake should be preferred. In a way, as all the three doshas are deranged in Monsoons, enema is an ideal purification therapy as it will expel all three vitiated doshas.
Changing the lifestyle can remedy many problems and prevent some from ever taking place. Few tips for a healthy monsoon are given below:
Only Consume properly cooked food: Having well-cooked food preferably from home itself is recommended because of the fact that vendors and restaurants may not be able to maintain the same level of hygiene and cleanliness at all times because it is mass-produced. Also, partially cooked vegetables and meat can cause more harm than good.
Avoid leafy vegetables or stale vegetables which are cooked. This is because the vegetables may be contaminated with the germs found in abundance in the air. Instead one can opt for alternate vegetables like bitter gourd, sweet potato, brinjal, and yam.
Avoid spicy and oily foods: They tend to hinder digestion which is crucial for a healthy immune system. Intaking more wheat and barley related food is good for digestion
Exercise: The chilly atmosphere makes us all lazy. Due to the rainy season, going out for a walk or a jog will be difficult. Without proper exercise, the body cannot spend the calories attained. Also, exercise is key for proper digestion and blood flow. Daytime naps result in late nights and erratic sleeping patterns which are harmful to the body. People with arthritis and joint pains are advised not to sit on the floor for extended periods. Doing yoga is good for the body on many levels.
Practice proper hygiene: Taking regular baths, preferably in hot water is recommended to ward off disease-causing germs. Also, avoid long nails since the moisture under the nails may breed infections.
Avoid drinking Coldwater: Only consume preheated water to prevent catching a cold from unsafe water. Always ensure to stay hydrated at all times.
Light Dinner: Like the saying goes “Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper”, having a modest dinner is good for healthy digestion.
With high success rates and little to no side effects, Ayurveda as an alternative to western medicine is gaining popularity throughout the world including UAE. Dr Jasnas Ayurvedic Clinic is a famous and leading Ayurvedic treatment centre in Dubai. So if you have a persistent migraine or body pain and you are looking for Ayurvedic treatment in Dubai, feel free to get a consultation with Dr Jasnas Ayurvedic Clinic at the earliest.