Ayurvedic Ways to Get Rid of Skin Allergies

Posted on January 31, 2022
Ayurvedic Ways to Get Rid of Skin Allergies

Skin allergies in adults and children may be caused by the rising problem of stress, environmental pollution, dust, dietary changes, and hereditary diseases. Allergies emerge as a result of our immune system's hypersensitivity to specific compounds that it deems as hazardous. This increased immune system reaction is known as an allergic reaction, and the factors or substances that cause allergic reactions in the body are known as allergens. So if you are showing symptoms of skin allergy and is looking for Herbal treatment in Dubai, read along to know the Ayurvedic ways to get rid of skin allergies.

Can Ayurveda Cure Skin Allergy? 
The first and foremost step in Ayurvedic Remedies for skin allergies is to prevent or restrict contact with allergens. Allergic responses are frequently noticeable in the form of common skin illnesses and respiratory problems such as eczema, hives, hay fever, asthma, and so on. Redness raised lumps, itching, swelling, skin cracking, skin peeling, and other signs of a skin allergic response are typical. Ayurveda is regarded as the greatest treatment choice for skin allergies in men, women, and children since it cures the skin permanently and gives long-term relief via the use of natural herbs and treatments. Dr Jasna offers a holistic approach towards several skin problems and is one of the best Ayurvedic Clinic In Sharjah.

5 Common Types of Skin allergies
Not all skin allergies are caused due to the same source. There are several skin allergies and the 5 most common types are mentioned below: 

  • Acne
  • Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)
  • Contact Dermatitis
  • Fungal Infection
  • Hives
  • Acne

A skin problem that affects almost everyone at some time during their lives is Acne. It creates patches, greasy skin, and occasionally hot or painful skin to touch. Certain hormones encourage the oil-producing glands in the epidermis close to hair follicles to create more oil (abnormal sebum). This aberrant sebum alters the action of P. acnes, a normally innocuous skin bacterium that becomes more aggressive and produces inflammation and pus.

Atopic eczema is a skin condition that results in the skin becoming dry, itchy, and cracked. Atopic eczema is more common in infants, often developing before their first birthday. But it can occur in adults as well for the very first time. Although a long-term condition, it can clear completely in some children as they get older. It mostly affects the insides of the elbows,  the hands, backs of the knees and the face and scalp in children. People with atopic eczema usually have periods fluctuating between severe flare-ups to mild discomforts.

Contact Dermatitis
Contact dermatitis is a kind of eczema that is produced by contact with a specific substance and resolves entirely if the triggering material is discovered and avoided. Contact dermatitis produces itchy, blistering, dry, and cracked skin. Lighter skin can turn red, whereas darker skin can turn dark brown, purple, or grey. This reaction often happens within hours or days of being exposed to an irritant or allergy. Symptoms can affect any region of the body, although the hands and face are the most usually affected.

Fungal Infection
Fungal diseases such as ringworm, athlete's foot, and jock itch are simple to get and spread to others. Because healthy people seldom have fungus expand beyond the skin's surface, they are simple to cure.

Hives and rashes normally go away within a few minutes to a few days. When anything causes high quantities of histamine and other chemicals to be produced in your skin, you get hives. The factors that cause this is referred to as a trigger.

Ayurvedic Ways to Get Rid of Skin Allergies
Skin allergies, according to Ayurveda, occur as a result of poor digestion. This digestive process defect produces hypersensitivity to certain chemicals such as pollen and dust, which triggers an allergy response. The Ayurvedic remedies for skin allergies are classified as: 

Oral medications
After determining Dosha dominance, medicinal ghee or sesame oil is taken orally. This is done for 7 consecutive days    
Sweating: Three days following Oleation or the Snehana operation, mild sweating is performed.
Vamana: Vamana or medicated vomiting is useful for patients that show Kapha predominant symptoms such as swelling, cold, oozing and itching.
Mridu Virechana: In most cases, Mridu Virechana or medicinal laxatives are used. This method is very beneficial in Pitha-dominant situations, such as scorching sensations, fever, irritation, pus development, and so forth.
Raktha Sodhana: If the preceding measures do not relieve the signs and symptoms, bloodletting with leeches or other equipment and techniques are performed.
Rasayana for the revitalization of skin: Skin that has been injured by this chronic condition deserves to be revitalised when the system has been detoxified. The term Rasayana, which means "nourishing medications," is used here.

External medications
All external drugs in Ayurvedic treatment for skin are used only when adequate detoxification methods and internal medications have relieved the indications and symptoms.
Lepa: An herbal paste consisting of herbal powder that is appropriate for the patient is applied to the afflicted region.
Parisheka: Suitable herbal decoctions are poured constantly for a set period of time.
Udvarthana: Rubbing with an appropriate herbal powder is useful in the case of rough and thick skin.
Avagaha: Being seated in a large jar filled with herbal decoction for a certain period of time is beneficial when large portions of the body are afflicted.
Dhupana: Fumigation with appropriate plants is beneficial in Vatha and Kapha dominated situations.

In conclusion, skincare has to be taken seriously as it could be an indication of other underlying causes. So always choose the Best Ayurvedic doctor in Dubai for your precious skincare.