Tulsi – The Queen of Herbs

Posted on January 31, 2020
Tulsi – The Queen of Herbs

Tulsi is one of the most effective herbs. It has many medicinal properties and rich in vitamins and minerals. It has the property to resist bacterial and viral infections. Tulsi plant has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties. It is best to have it in the form of tea or as a flavoring agent in food. Now let us discuss the advantages of tulsi in day today’s life.

  • It supports relieving from fever, headache, sore throat, cold, cough, flu and chest congestion.
  • It helps in clearing out the skin blemishes, acne and helps to prevent premature aging.
  • Proven help hand in Respiratory Disorders
  • It helps in treating respiratory ailments like chronic bronchitis, asthma, etc
  • It helps to reduce stress and strengthen immunity.
  • Good for the Heart because tulsi reduces cholesterol in the body.
  • It is loaded with essential oils, Vitamin A and C
  • It is used for dental health and for healthy gums.
  • It is an ingredient used in treating insect bite and used in hepatitis, malaria, tuberculosis, dengue and swine flu treatments
  • It increases the rate of urination thus helps to maintain renal health so that tulsi is good for kidney health.
  • There are face washes in the market which include tulsi as the main ingredient because it acts as a cleansing and purifying agent.
  • Helps in losing weight because this herb increases metabolism thus accelerating the fat burn process.
  • Phytochemicals in tulsi can help in preventing certain types of skin, liver, oral, and lung cancers up to an extent.
  • In studies that were done in 2019 experimenting with rats, it was found that tulsi leaves supported reducing high blood sugar levels.
  • According to the 2017 experimental results, basil oil may help treat various diseases that include inflammation resulting from oxidative stress.

We have discussed above some of the advantages of having tulsi but studies as shown that in some people eating it can make some sort of problems like allergy, blood clotting, etc.  Visit Dr. Jasna Ayurvedic clinic website to know about the best Ayurveda treatments.