In Ayurveda, honey is used for external and internal purposes. In ancient Ayurveda, honey is referred to as medicine, not food. It is mainly used for respiratory alignments, eye diseases, healing wounds, diabetes, Jaundice, Lipoma, worm infestation, Insomnia, Arteriosclerosis, etc. Modern researchers re-examined honey and recognized that it can be used for medical and nutritional
Disclaimer: This section (Ayurvedic Approach To COVID-19) is not suggesting measures or prescribing remedies to heal Covid-19 disease. This is a general paper based on ayurvedic medicine that might help prevent the indications of the corona virus. Do not obey any of the measures given in this report without consulting your doctor.
People nowadays are too busy with their own kinds of stuff running around their dreams and achievements. Yes Ofcourse its the nature of earth
Do you even though that how our grandparents maintain their teeth too healthy even before modern oral hygiene products like toothpaste, mouthwashes, etc.
People are too busy these days with their activities but at the same time giving fewer priorities to their physical health.
People are too busy these days with their activities but at the same time giving fewer priorities to their physical health. People are not at all afraid of their health situation, all day running behind their dreams and life. Of course, yes achieving dreams is one of the best moments in life but it’s sad to make remembering that only a healthy mind and body can afford a better life. It is always better to spend a little time every day for health than afterward spending a lot of time and money in the hospital.
In the present situation, people are not giving any attention to a healthy lifestyle and a well-maintained body. Moreover, people do starving diets to reduce weight to make better body shape. Of course, burning excess fatty weight is always a better suggestion but burning out standard body mass will be resulting in adverse effects. Gaining weight is too important else it will raise the chance of several heart diseases, strokes, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. It is noted that there are even chances to grow cancers in your body.
These days, it appears that each Fitness magazine or health program promotes us to drink enough water, yet not all ones suggest you to drink warm water. Day by day we are advised that it is so essential to drink enough water as a feature of a sound way of life.
Steam therapy was even used in ancient times as a traditional healing method all over the world.
Most of our patients gained relief through our treatment and many gained confidence from our motivating consulting approach.