Beauty is not in a potion or a magic pill. Everyone is beautiful in his or her way – you just want a little natural and loving touch with Ayurvedic care. Ayurvedic beauty tips that will make you look & feel great. Ayurveda offers you two kinds of programs: – Rejuvenation and Therapeutic. The former aims at total well-being while the latter is special to ailments.
Udvartanam is one of the Ayurvedic treatments for weight loss. It is a unique deep tissue therapy utilizing herbal powders. In this method, the body may be coated with herbal oils, and then herbal powders called Choornams are rubbed forcibly on the body in the upward direction. Udvartanam is done by an Ayurvedic practitioner. The Udvartanam Ayurvedic treatments give good results and the therapy techniques are done in seven postures by applying suitable pressure to break down the fat below the skin.
Elakizhi is one of the major treatment using herbal leaves. It is highly effective in ailments affecting bones, nerves and joint systems. In this blog, we can discuss the procedure of Elakizhi Ayurvedic treatment.
Takradhara Ayurvedic Treatment is a unique treatment that uses medicated buttermilk. Takra means buttermilk and Dhara is a stream. The physiological advantages of Takradhara are very similar to that of Shirodhara. The major difference being the use of medicated buttermilk.
Here are the Ayurvedic herbs useful in high blood pressure. Brahmi: This is a well-known herb for reducing stress. It decreases the levels of the stress hormone and enhances the power of concentration. Brahmi leaves can be used to make a tea that helps you calm down and relieve stress. Bringaraj: Bringaraj Tea helps in detoxifying ...
When the scorching heat of summer burns your skin and causes it to act in strange ways, it’s Ayurveda that can help you beat the summer heat and keep your skin healthy. Learn about the structure of the skin, skin diseases, and ways to tackle them. Let’s discuss summer skin care with Ayurveda
The world is speeding up all around us. Countless distractions command our attention from what’s new on social media to those never-ending to-do lists. From one minute to the next, most people live with minds in a state of unrest, running at top speed from the moment of waking until they pass out at night. In this blog, let’s discuss information regarding calming your mind with Shirodhara
The vast majority of people who deal with stress may be the work and finance are the top factors that cause stress. The symptoms of anxiety include stress, high anger levels, unstable relationships, fatigue, headache, inability to sleep, health issues due to stress, and more. In this blog, we can discuss 5 effective Ayurvedic tips to overcome stress.
Joint pain could be triggered by different issues that include osteoarthritis, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis, sprain and other injuries that affect the ligaments. This condition may affect any part of your body yet this is more common on the knees, hips and shoulders. The pain may range from gentle to severe and this can be accompanied through inflammation and stiffness in one, two or more joints.
Most of our patients gained relief through our treatment and many gained confidence from our motivating consulting approach.